Young Survivor
June 9, 2024
Eric Kuria - Born Behind Bars
Eric is one of the happiest boys we have at the safe house, confident, bright, sure of himself and friendly…. His coming into this world however wasn’t easy and pleasant. Fate would have it that he be born in prison where his mother was serving a sentence with no parole. The odds he has come across from birth haven’t prevented him from being a fighter, hopeful and expectant. He already knows he wants to become an engineer!
Eric is the youngest of three siblings. Their mother defaulted to the easiest job that came her way; she had to fend for her three boys. As a new mother, her easiest way out was a night job. That way she would leave the boys in bed as she went to work and then stay with them during the day. There aren’t too many night jobs available, so she ended up being a bar tender. She later involved herself with deviant behavior which would lead to her coming home in the company of people who were a bad influence on her kids, from the way they spoke and carried themselves in general. This exposed the boys to poor influences and risks of using alcohol as it was at their disposal.
Eric and his older brother came to the safehouse to be salvaged from indulging in the deviant behavior they had been exposed to; they were also deficient of love and a parental figure in their lives. Their mom had been carried away by life and friends. Coming into the safehouse for the boys helped put them back on track as they had derailed by “default” given that they had no parental guidance.
Eric is doing so well in school and although he was born in the confines of “no freedom” he has a sweet spirit, a sanguine top in his game! Seeing this boy soar and finally find guidance has been exciting.